The push press is a compound exercise that belongs to the weightlifting family. It is a great exercise to develop strength and power. In CrossFit, the push press is often used as a way to increase the load on the barbell during workouts. In this article, we will discuss what is the push press, what are the benefits of the push press, and what is the difference between the strict press, the push jerk, and the push press. We will also provide movement tips for those looking to perform this exercise correctly. Let’s get started!

What Is The Push Press in CrossFit

A push press is a multi-joint movement that involves extending the arms overhead, similar to a shoulder press. However, unlike a shoulder press, which is primarily an upper-body exercise, a push press also incorporates the lower body, using momentum from the legs to help drive the weight upwards. In addition, a push press requires greater core stability in order to maintain an upright position when pressing the weight overhead. As a result, the push press is often used as a tool to develop overall strength and power. When performed correctly, it can be an extremely effective exercise for building muscle and improving athletic performance.

What Are The Benefits Of The Push Press

The push press is one of the most powerful and effective exercises for building raw strength. It’s also a highly underestimated movement, which can be attributed to its technical requirements being more difficult than other lifts like deadlifts or squats – but don’t let that discourage you! With dedication in practicing good technique on this particular exercise will improve all aspects of related training efforts such as CrossFit WODs (or sports), traditional athlete development programs etc.

Increased Strength And Muscular Endurance

The push press can help to increase strength and muscular endurance. This is due to the increased muscle recruitment required when performing the push press, as well as the fact that it can be loaded much higher than other exercises such as squats. The push press also helps to train muscles in a way that is more specific to the demands of certain sports and activities.

Increased Acceleration

The push press is a great exercise for developing power, as it helps to train the body to generate maximum force in minimal time. This is due to the fact that the push press requires explosive movement from both the upper and lower body. Improving this type of power can help improve performance during dynamic movements such as sprinting or jumping.

The ability to accelerate your movement under load can be improved with practice. Incorporating acceleration into a standard push press allows for an increase in both total weight used and power generated that goes beyond what’s possible solely by using the arms, and shoulders alone–this truth is especially true if you’re looking at building size or strength elsewhere on the body like chest/shoulders! Acceleration often leads not only towards gains within fitness measures such as muscle mass but also outside of physical surroundings: increased speed during runs.

Leg Strength Development

The push press is a great exercise for developing power in your legs. When you practice it, not only will the amount of force production increase but also how efficiently we use that strength when performing our lifts!

Improved Weightlifting Technique

The push press is an excellent exercise for developing power and strength. It closely mirrors the jerk’s loading phase, making it easy to work on technique without sacrificing form during competition lifts like snatches or cleans & presses

The dip and drive motion repeats what you would see if performing either one alone: starts off strong before tapering off towards the finish line (just as with Olympic lifting). That means this ” accessory” can help ingrain good habits while also improving performance under pressure.

What Is The Difference Between The Strict Press, The Push Jerk, And The Push Press

The push press is similar to the strict press and the push jerk in that all three exercises involve pressing a weight overhead. However, there are some key differences between each exercise.

The Military Press/Strict Press/Overhead Press

The strict press is an overhead press where the lifter simply presses the weight overhead without any leg drive. Watch the video on Youtube.

Strict press

The Push Press

The push press is similar to the strict press however you generate momentum with your lower body. This allows you to move heavier weights overhead than you can with a normal shoulder press.

By combining both a leg drive and an overhead press, the push press offers a great way to develop strength, power, and muscular endurance at the same time. With practice, the push press can help to improve performance in push press movements and other dynamic activities.

Additionally, the push press can help to increase weightlifting technique and overall strength. With practice, the push press can offer great results for athletes looking to boost performance in a variety of different activities. Watch the video on Youtube.


The Push Jerk

The push jerk will allow you to move the most amount of weight. This involves a similar movement pattern to a push press, midline stability, bar path, and drip drive but you will be adding a second knee bend when you land. This allows you to land locked out in a slightly overhead squat so you can lift heavier weights. Watch the video on Youtube.

push jerk

Movement Tips Of The Push Press

The push press is a great exercise to develop strength and power. To get the most out of your push press, here are some tips to keep in mind:

– Keep your core engaged throughout the entire movement

– Drive through the floor with your legs as you push up

– Keep your arms tight and elbows tucked

– Keep your head in a neutral position

– Finish with arms locked out above the shoulders

By following these tips, you can ensure that you are getting the most out of your push press in CrossFit and other dynamic activities. With practice, strength and power gains will follow!


What Muscles Does The Push Press Work?

The push press is a compound movement that works multiple muscle groups including your shoulders, back, chest, arms, core and legs.

How Many Repetitions Should I Do For The Push Press?

It depends on your goals but typically 8-12 repetitions of the push press are recommended for best results.

What If The Push Press Is Painful On My Wrists?

If the push press is too painful on your wrists, you can reduce the weight and focus on maintaining proper form. You can also try using a push-press barbell pad or tape to provide extra cushion. As always, check with your doctor if the pain doesn’t improve.


The push press is a great exercise to develop power, strength, and muscular endurance in CrossFit. Whether you’re looking to push heavier weights or increase your overall performance for other dynamic activities, the push press is a great exercise to help get you there. With practice and dedication, you’ll be able to push more weight than before in no time! Good luck and have fun pushing!

Thanks for reading, and please reach out if you would like to discuss any of the above or have any further questions!

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